Warrenville, SC
Math Challenge 2021-2022 |
Contact person for MC Program: Julie Griffin at [email protected]
General Information:
- Math Challenge is free and no-sign up is necessary.
- All Jefferson Elementary students are invited to participate.
- There will be 15 challenges throughout the school year.
- Refer to the Schedule Calendar for dates on when the challenges and their solutions will be available on this webpage.
How to Participate
Print out the math challenge, and help your child answer the appropriate number of questions for their grade level. As you do so, have a conversation about math and have fun! Make sure you complete all of the necessary information at the top of the page, too.
Staple together and drop in the red math mailbox (outside of the MAC Lab) in C-Wing before or on the due date provided on the schedule.
If you do not have access to a printer, you can write your answers on paper. Please include:
1.Student name
3.Parent email
4.Question # and your answers
Every student who completes a challenge will have their name placed in a drawing for a prize. Students who complete at least 12 challenges this year will be recognized with a special certificate.
Any changes to this procedure will be posted on Dojo. Go have some fun with math!
Staple together and drop in the red math mailbox (outside of the MAC Lab) in C-Wing before or on the due date provided on the schedule.
If you do not have access to a printer, you can write your answers on paper. Please include:
1.Student name
3.Parent email
4.Question # and your answers
Every student who completes a challenge will have their name placed in a drawing for a prize. Students who complete at least 12 challenges this year will be recognized with a special certificate.
Any changes to this procedure will be posted on Dojo. Go have some fun with math!