General Information
Math Challenge program is an optional math enrichment program for Fernwood Elementary students consisting of a series of challenging and interesting math problems. The program provides 15 sets of challenges throughout the school year; each set is published every other week starting in late September and ending in May. These math challenges cover problem solving strategies such as drawing a picture or model, making an organized list, looking for a pattern, working backward, and guess and check. Each challenge presents 10 to 18 problems ordered by level of difficulties which enables students from various grades to participate. Each Math Challenge will indicate the minimum number of correct solutions for each grade level. This is a great opportunity for families to be involved and enjoy math through fun and engaging math problems!
- Math Challenge is free and no-sign up is necessary.
- All students 1st to Grade 5 are invited to participate.
- Refer to the Schedule Calendar for dates on when the challenges and their solutions will be available on this webpage.
How to Participate
- Get The Current Math Challenge (blue button above).
- Solve as many problems as you can (please pay attention to the minimum number of problems to solve successfully for your grade).
- We encourage you to discuss strategies and solutions with your parents and siblings and attempt as many questions as possible.
- Submit your solutions by the due date through this Google Form: ONLY!
- Check the solutions that are available two days after the due date.
- There will be 15 challenges throughout the school year. Students who submit 12 challenges or more will be recognized at the end of the school year.
- All the best Panthers!!