Oak Street Elementary School
- Math Challenge is free and no-sign up is necessary.
- All students K to Grade 5 are invited to participate.
- There will be 15 challenges throughout the school year.
- Refer to the Calendar below for dates on when the challenges and their solutions will be available on this webpage.
How to Participate
- Download "Current Math Challenge" using the button above
- You can check solution from the previous challenges while you are there
- Work out the solutions using pencil and paper and any problem solving strategies that may help you such as using objects, working backwards, or acting the problem out.
- Solve the minimum amount of required problems for your grade level. You can solve more problems to challenge yourself.
- Persevere and don’t race through the problems
- Space out your work over many days.
- Submit your answers using this form
- Encourage your child to download the Current Math Challenge from the Math in Action website
- Scroll down to Oak Street Elementary School
- Click the current math challenge
- Can check solution from the previous challenges
- Work with your student on the problems. Encourage them to persevere and do their best. Praise their effort.